Mark 4:35 - 5:43

“Only when we begin to see that nothing in the world really, finally, satisfies at all, can we come to Christ with anything but the right attitude.”  -C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity 

Reflection questions For Saturday's message from God's word.

Jesus is ready to rest from serving so many people. He falls asleep in the boat, and a storm appears. The Sea of Galilee was situated such that storms frequently arose in the evening, and harsh weather was not unusual. The boat was filling with water, and the fishermen were fearful for their lives. Jesus is woken and speaks, and the winds calm. A reminder that Jesus is in control of nature. Don’t miss the OT backdrop here. In Isaiah 51, The Lord is accused of sleeping and not caring about Israel. They said that God was asleep! The disciples accuse Jesus of being asleep. Oh, how much they had to learn….In this passage, we see the disciples are once again exposed to his authority and power, his care and concern, but how quickly they forget.

Mark 4:35-43

1) Have you ever feared something or a situation or so much that your natural instinct was to think God was out of control?

2)What are the top qualities Jesus is trying to produce in these disciples’ lives?

Mark 5:1-20

This event takes place in the county of the Gerasenes, across the Sea of Galilee. This was Gentile land opposed to Jewish land. For the Jewish people, the Roman Gentiles were the source of all their afflictions and the ruling oppressors. Surely the true Christ would rid the land of oppression. Now Jesus actually goes to the Gentiles, and what more, He heals one and sets him free. 

3)Are Jesus’ actions reasonable? Why was there a negative response?

4)How does this story in Mark’s gospel show the Gospel loud and clear?

Mark 5:21-34

 This woman has a blood disorder. She had a physical problem leading to financial, social, and spiritual problems. She would have spent all her money on finding a cure and been outcast by society. She would have been cut off from the temple and not able to worship in the “presence” of God. This woman represents multiple facets of suffering and need. An outcast woman, touching a Jewish Rabbi (man), would have been the final straw. She could have been totally removed from society, perhaps killed for this act. This woman, at the total end of herself, saw Jesus as the only remedy. 

5) Why does he ask, “who touched me”? He was God, didn’t he know?


Again, what is on display here? Jesus’ authority. Jesus has authority over nature, over evil, over the physical…. Death is not death to Jesus; it is as simple as waking someone from sleep. Nothing is too great for Jesus. The disciples need not fear. Jesus is in control.

7)Why does Jesus say that she is “not dead but sleeping”?

8)What is your motivation to follow the Messiah? What will keep you going?